Saturday, December 27, 2014

Love is Metaphysical Gravity

R. Buckminster Fuller said, “Love is metaphysical gravity." 

If gravity grounds us then love in the metaphysical sense would also. With so much going on in the world from Ferguson to ISIS, I wonder where did we lose our bearings and how do we gain them back?  Love is all encompassing, some say God is love. If God is love or if Gods idea of physical (gravity) or metaphysics (love)  is intended to keep us from floating through the ether, why can't all simply apply such a simple concept and plant our feet on solid ground? I don't know the answer to this question.

 As I completed my bachelors I was drawn deeply to the world of rhetoric.  Daniel Coffeens definition of rhetoric is “The art and practice of navigating a world in motion while in motion.” It is negotiating circumstantial propriety–always trying to figure out the best thing for you and the situation while everything is constantly changing. Thinking is never done and the answer is never permanent. 

With nothing truly being static I still feel love is as close as we come to a constant. If love is in motion then I hope it only accelerates. 

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